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Sep 3, 2007

Cattitude Monday - The Cats in the Bag

Today's cat entry is a "TRUE" story since it just happened this morning. No photo's were available for this event due to the fact that this particular cat was not in any mood to have her picture taken!

We have this cat named (Blackie) who came to live with us because her former owners couldn't care for her properly and then they moved and couldn't take her so they said we could have her. No mind you when we took her in she was skin & bones and very sick with a nasty parasite in her stomach that caused horrible diarrhea. After a few trips to the Vet & pills being stuffed down her mouth for 2 weeks she begin to heal up & has since been living a very cushy life in one of our upstairs bedrooms. She stays there because she is a huge "Chicken Liver" (basically afraid of every one and anything that moves) and she just HATES our other cats. She occasionally likes to go outside and generally comes in right away when you call her. This morning she was out on the back fence in a stand off with another cat and she jumped off the fence into our back neighbors yard and being de-clawed she wasn't able to climb the fence again. I tried a few times to coax her back and even went to the yard with the cat carrier and tried to lure her over with lunch meat but she wasn't having nothing to do with me and that carrier. I finally called my daughter to come and help me and after a few attempts we managed to get her out from under the car she was hiding under and the my daughter grabbed her & I had a pillow case ready to "bag the cat" and we headed back home with her. Let me tell you it was NOT EASY getting her home but I'm relieved to say she is once again "safe & sound" in her little room and she's not going outside again for a few days since she seems to want to chase off any neighborhood cat that comes within a 100 yards of her!

1 comment:

  1. Boy! The things we do for our animals! I know just what you mean because I've been there myself! We get so attached to them. Our little house dog died a month ago & it was really heartwrenching - we loved that little guy (foxterrier). Even our grandson who is 11 had a hard time - he couldn't sleep that night & told his mom, "It's kinda hard to sleep when a relative dies."
