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May 19, 2008

Cattitude Monday - A Quiz

Happy "Cattitude Monday" everyone. - Here are a couple of pictures today of some of our little furry friends. Picture #1 is my hubby hard at work painting along with his little painting buddy, Callie-Jo who sat there up there on his shoulder the entire time he rolled the walls. She loves sitting on shoulders and found painting to be quite fascinating.

Picture #2 is a "rare" photo indeed as it has our cat, Snickers actually allowing the new kitten, Harley to be so close to her. It's rare that she even lets him even in the same room as she is much less a few inches away. I snapped this photo and about a minute later he got a little to close and she was off the couch in a flash.

So here is a little Quiz you can take even if you don't like cats to test your knowledge about cats in "songs." You can find the quiz here: http://cats.about.com/library/FillBlanksQuiz/blcatsongs.htm - I scored 19 out of 24.

Have a great day & next week I hope to post a Card (yes an actual stamped card) with non-other then a CAT image on it for Cattitude Monday. I'm waiting for the stamp I ordered to arrive and it's a good one so be on the lookout for it soon.

1 comment:

  1. Adorable pictures of the hubby and the kitties. I scored an amazing 20 out of 24. Whew, wish I knew which ones I got wrong!
